Studies have shown that continuous labor support leads to incredible results including:
Choosing a doula to provide this support as opposed to another support person offers:
Birth Doula Package:
Package cost Varies by Doula:
We are so glad you have found our page and are looking into the details of having a doula! Please know it is deep within us to help you and your partner have a beautiful birthing day. We utilize our training in order to offer you wonderful physical support, emotional support, informational support, and advocacy on that big day as well as plenty of prep time beforehand! We want to empower each mother to take control of her birth experience (not us), and we would Iike to enable each partner to be as equipped as possibly to be able to support the birthing person fully- it is never our goal to replace the father/partner!
How Doulas Act as a Bridge:
On one side of the spectrum we have the “trust your body and let it do what it needs to do and everything will work out” philosophy. On the other side you have the world of obstetrics, intervention, distrust of our own selves and birth is something that is essentially performed for us. Your body can’t do this, so why struggle for so long?
But there IS a middle ground. And we believe it’s in the hands of doulas. We have such POWER to learn more about the body and the act of birthing and change stories. We can make the perfect position change suggestion to help baby finally wriggle through your mid-pelvis. We can hold onto the belief that our bodys know what to do while also understanding that our bodies are not perfect and assistance is necessary.
The beauty is that our tools aren’t Pitocin, epidural, episiotomy, Etc. It’s hot compress to loosen the muscles, it’s acupressure to help guide baby into the pelvis, it’s ligament releases to allow the pushing phases to begin, and sits bone pressure to assist in fetal descent. WE HAVE SO MANY TOOLS that are so powerful. We can bridge the gap before deeper intervention is used. We can help change stories and create different happy endings.
This is our place in labor and delivery.. Sure, we also hold your hand and cheer you on in your endeavors like every good doula. But we’re watching too- observing how the next position change can make your labor easier and quicker and more productive and how our counter pressure can open the pelvis just a bit more to allow more room for baby to navigate.
There for your adventure. 🌲
Read through our website and learn about our offerings and our team . Submit an inquiry with what service(s) you’re interested in and who you are interested in working with!
Our team will review your inquiry and your preferences and reply within 48 hours or less with our availability and doula alternatives if necessary. Hold a no pressure consult with the available doula(s) in our office to meet one another and get your detailed questions answered. You are invited to interview as many doulas as you would like to find your best fit. We try our hardest to coordinate all interviews at once for your convenience.
After consulting, let us know you want to move forward with a contract and the doula you love! We will send you a client portal including a contract to sign, invoice for deposit, and forms to fill out. You are officially on our calendar and considered a CLIENT!